Thursday, May 27, 2010

My BEST ever Target trip

Ok it was pretty good, but what makes it best is it was FREE. (I got a gift card from the carseat check place just for having Kaelyns seat checked they gave me 10$ Gift Card)

So I bought:

4 boxes Nabisco 100 cal packs
4 Bottles Kraft BBQ sauce (3 original 1 honey)
1 Bag hersheys bliss dark chocolates
1 New Eucerine Daily Calming Cream
1 Box Gogurt

Total 9.98!!
and with the GC that makes it ALL FREE!!

However even WITH OUT the gift card that is QUITE the deal!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The grocery game

Ahhh it had turned into a good night, the excitement was building, the anticipation of what was to come was almost too much.

The anticipation of what deal I would get...if you get just the right deal it is such a rush.

The day had been long, lots of high pitched girly noises. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good. The evening wore one with even more little girly noises coming from my class I teach Wed. nights at church. The kindergarten girls. Hmm all little girls were especially loud and high pitched today...even these little girls. But the class none the less went well.

One little girl even told me my project, memorial stones, was a great project! (I had them paint stones with a cross and some glitter, so when they looked at them it was a "memorial" of what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross. We had read John 4 about how they gathered the stones and placed them as a memorial to remember how God rescued them) so this seemed fitting, easy and fun. The girls agreed.

All was right with the world.

Believe it or not I had everything prepared. Yes it was ME who had this prepared. I know shocker right?

So my little coupon box and I headed off to the grocery store with the above mentioned anticipation.

Then it struck, that blow that tells you the rest of the night, or at least the trip, just might not go your way. And it didn't. All from the start of the blueberries. None. Ok Skippy peanut butter, that stuff I swear, we go through it like water. Well ok WAY better than water, cuz come on, who really drinks all that much water? But you know what I am saying. We go through a LOT of peanut butter. Do you think they had any? Nope.

"A truck comes in tomorrow" they tell me. Yeah well that doesn't do me a whole lotta good on coupon double day today does it? Moving on, how about the Hershey's syrup? Nope.

Ok this is now getting a bit old, but I trudge on. I hunt and gather, going meticulously over my list. Time and again re-organizing my thoughts to match up the best deals, the ones that will give you the biggest rush.

So finally I stand in line, even with all the trials of the isles, I am feeling pretty good. So good in fact that I share my key card with several different people in my line, and let two others go ahead of me.

Then I hear it, this poor lady in the line next to me. The line I was contemplating going over to instead of the one I was in. The guy kept repeating himself that she couldn't do two transactions, when in fact I knew she could. Poor woman. Poor me, I had two transactions. Yes I was in a different line, but now I was getting nervous. I look at my list, I check it twice, three times actually. I felt the pressure, for that lady, for me building. I didn't want to go home with out half my order. I have never had to do that before...I so didn't need this for my night.

God bless the check out lady, she saw what I had and just said "oh I see you have two?" I said "yes is that ok?" And she, that sweet angel, said yep. So I move on, giving her all my coupons and cards and rain checks.

I head home to what I have heard has been world war III between daddy and Alia. Poor lil thing is crying her eyes out upstairs (might I add as her sister is passed out cold) because she learned that daddy does in fact have the willpower to hold out his threat. One for team daddy.....still 1001 team Alia. But daddy got one! Bout killed him too, but he did it! I am proud of him.
So while I am upstairs explaining that daddy is bigger than her and no he isn't just like her for her to boss around he is unloading the grocery's.

I ask him what he thinks I spent on all of it (including 5 12pks of soda, 2 lil bins huggies wipes, milk, strawberries, muffin mix, jello puddings, 12rolls cottonell, 3lbs hamburger, 2 boxes frosted miniwheats, Breyers ice cream, cool whip, 2 lean cuisine meals, etc etc etc). He says 78$ thinking that was a great amount to have spent. So imagine the thrill I still got when I told him my grand total was.................52$!!!

Ahh yes, all is right with the world again....and thus, I had to come tell you!

FREE tropicana juice!!! Act fast -answer the survey for one point, and enter these codes within 6 hours of registering to get 4 points: FBOOK-TROPI; MOMCE-NTRAL; TWMOM-READR; Blogg-Her11. Starting at 6 AM eastern their deal of the day will be a free product coupon for 5 points, but is first 50,000 only. -update-it’s working really slow, but there are over 30,000 coupons left

Gods Creation in Mothers

It was the first beautiful summer night. 75 degrees, the breeze fresh on your skin.

As you look around the table, coffee in almost every cup and dessert at almost every table spot. Yep you can always tell a table of moms! Not only were we all indulging in the things that bring a moment of guilty pleasure, we were laughing and talking the night away.

How else do you know we are moms? The topics that were bringing laughter. If you go around to different tables laughter is very different from a moms laughter. Almost every topic discussed was about nothing other than our precious little ones. The trials, the mishaps, the patience they require, the fun they bring, the smiles they give us, every thing those little gifts can give us, we discussed it. And it was wonderful.

It is so necessary for moms to get out and have that time alone. Time with out the husband, time with out the child asking to have one more cookie, or spilling yet another glass of whatever that was on the floor, time with out the laundry calling her name, time with out the bills screaming at her, time with out the dirty dishes assaulting her senses. In other words, time to recharge her batteries, so she can go again like no one other than a mom can.

Even the Bible tells us that it is good to be with friends. Ones that are not only just a friend, but for us to feel that we can seek them for advice...

Proverbs 27:9
Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel.

All this is really saying is that just like certain smells, good lotions etc, give us a joy and a calmness, how they take us away for that moment. Soto a friendship does this same thing, it is good for our hearts to have a good friend that helps to bring us a renewed relaxation. It is "good for the soul". God put other Christian women in our lives for a reason, and to call upon his resources is a wonderful and honoring thing to him.

Bet you never thought of it that way? That by going out with your friends would be honoring God, did you? So right now, if you are stressed and need relaxation, call a friend, it really is
ok to put that housework on hold for a few minutes. Call on them for the support God created them to give you. Or be there for their support, take that time to show that His creation, His present to you, truly is important, more so that that housework.

Make sure to pray today and thank God for all those that He has placed in your life.

I thank him for those wonderful women I met with last night. The ones that we discussed and laughed about all those childhood issues, the mommy issues and every other issue in between.

Mothers are a wonderful creation and they make wonderful friends!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Two free Kraft Mayo samples

Free Kraft Mayo two sandwich shop mayo flavors sample

you might need to scroll down and look at the bottom left corner for the Sample link....
found a Freebies 4 Mom

FREE Smart ones

Click through a quick questionnaire and then you will get a FREE dish

Start here

Free Sunscreen Sample

Free bottle of Magnacare SPF 30 sunscreen

Free sample of sunscreen....
May is Skin Cancer Awarness Month so they are giving away the suncreen..
I have had skin cancer and you dont want it, trust me! Make sure you use it so you dont have to deal with it later! Make sure it is a high number....

Free Earplugs

Free Earplugs

Hubby uses these a lot, and I love em for my MOMMY NEEDS TIME.

I have used these pink ones before. They also have two other kinds, original and extreme I believe. Get em now, they go fast.

Facial all natural Blotting linens

Free 25-sheet packet of Green Tea Blotting Linens

boscia, delivered fresh to your inbox, 100% preservative-free.

By signing up for boscia's emails, we promise to deliver you an even better skincare shopping experience. Promotions, discounts, contests, free stuff... it's all headed straight to your inbox. And to thank you for your time, a 25-sheet packet of our Green Tea Blotting Linens will be heading straight for your mailbox! (While supplies last!)

Free Kona Coffee

Free Kona coffee

get a free pot of kona coffee, they are so sure you will love it!!

Free sample Ritz

New Ritz Cheddar Cheese and Bacon

Click on their facebook page and scroll to the bottom...

Crystal Light Pure Fittness

Pure Fitness by Crystal Light

This is for Vocal Point members. Sign up, you get ALL sorts of GREAT coupons and freebies from being a Vocallpoint member. This is very legit and a GREAT way to get easy no hassle stuff!

Have fun, this stuff looks good and I love crystal light!

Monday, May 24, 2010

3M Antislip runner give away

Anti slip

Get em now, to the first 5,000
looks pretty cool and has lots of uses!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sample Biofreeze Pain Reliever

Biofreeze Pain reliever
Biofreeze helps with pain management by using cold therapy that deeply penetrates and lasts for hours. It helps people who suffer from back pain, sore muscles and arthritis sufferers. Biofreeze also helps with auto- and work-related injuries, sports injuries, and for all those who tend to overuse or misuse their muscles and joints

A: Of course, we would be glad to send you a sample packet for Biofreeze. Included will be a brochure on the product itself, a 5-gram trial packet for you to try and also an ordering form for future reference in case you ever find it difficult to locate the product in your area. Please call 1-800-246-3733 and ask for the Consumer Department or email us at

Free Glue Dots

Glue Dots

Fill out this form and request a sample and they will send you one! Great for scrapbooking or making pretty packages, to hold the items in place.

Target Sample Loreal EVERSTRONG haircare

Try Everstrong

Haven't tried it, but heck I love free shampoo samples!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Huggies wipes high value

I hardly ever see these 2/2 huggies wipes coupons! Print now!

Be a part of NEW oprah panel

Oprah is starting a word of mouth marketing panel where you can try stuff for free!
Why not try it out??

Panel sign up

FREE buffalo Wild wings

FREE wings

6 free dry seasoned wings when you give coupon.

Free Spa Naturals

Free Spa Samples

Answer a few short questions and we'll mail you a complimentary South of France Spa Naturals sample kit. The kit includes a 1.25 oz. Orange Ginger Facial Cleanser Bar, .25 oz. Citrus Mint Facial Scrub and .25. oz Cucumber Aloe Facial Moisturizer -- all in a reusable organza bag with a coupon for yet another great South of France Spa Naturals offer. Please allow up to three weeks for processing & shipping. By completing this form, you consent to receive South of France Spa Naturals promotions via email. Your email address will never be shared for any purpose. You may opt out of our email update program at any time. AT THIS TIME WE ARE ONLY ABLE TO SHIP U.S. ADDRESSES. Only one sample request per household, please (requests with duplicate addresses will be discarded).

Free subscription to Ready Made Magazine

Enjoy 6 issues of ReadyMade. No strings attached. You'll never receive a bill. ReadyMade is a sassy, mod, do-it-yourself magazine for people who like to make stuff, and see the flicker of invention in everyday objects. This bi-monthly publication puts contemporary style on par with affordability. Each issue entertains with its sharp-witted and offbeat tone while offering a practical assortment of homegrown projects for home décor and outdoor living.

Free subscription

Arm n hammer toothpaste

Sample toothpaste

Advanced white takes off up to 5x more plaque!

GREAT coupons, freebies. Sign up now!

Sign up for First Taste
this is a GREAT kraft site to get LOTS of free stuff and high value coupons!

I am signed up to get it on several products right now (you can too) I have gotten free bacon and other stuff I can't think of off my head now.....

This particular offer is

Taste What's New & Delicious from Kraft Foods Check out what's new & delicious from Kraft Foods. Be one of the first to try these great new products and share the news with all of your friends and family. Try them now and enjoy them all summer!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CHEAP Toilet Paper!!!!

Cottonell 1.50 off!!

This is a target coupon, but combine it with a manufacturer coupon and this will give you some REALLY reasonable prices at Target!!!

Found this from Deal Wise Mommy

Lanacane Sample

Lanacane Sample

To stop chafing, like when you are running or working out etc...

Free Foot Cream

Free Laderma foot sample

I have noticed my feet aren't summer pretty yet. Arent you glad I told you that? :) But this sample is a way to get started on those pedicures!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Free General Mills Samples!

They are in spanish, but here are the translations....the password needs to be letters AND numbers.....

Nombre -First Name Apellido -Last Name Direccion -Address Ciudad -City Estado -State Correo Electronico -email Fecha de Nacimiento -birthdate Clave-password

Free General Mills Samples

HIGH value coupon! Sara Lee Bread

.75 off a loaf of bread

This is a rare high value coupon and a form for FREE no shipping stuff, like a plate from the new Toy Story.

Free Chex Mix

Free Chex Mix sample

Facebook, answer 16 questions about your food personality and get free chex mix...
page is loading kinda slow...

found from Freebies 4 Mom

FREE book from Borders

If you have children 12 or under, if they read 10 books this summer they can get a FREE book!

What a great idea, a great way to instill the love of reading in your children and your passion for free things! Plus it is great for them to see Mom excited about this too. Reading will follow them for the rest of their lives!

It's a double dog Dare
..........and they can read ANY books they like.

I plan on having Alia really try to learn the words in some short books with me for this. Should be tons of fun!

$4.00 in cherrios coupons

coupons here
this one you will get the 1.00 off coupons IN YOUR EMAIL so this is one either be sure to check your email or use a real address for...

You could also be one who wins a FULL sized FREE box!

Free Sunglass Cloth

They are so sure of their soft material they want to send you a cloth to clean your glasses with.

Sunglass Cloth

2.00 off post cereal

$2.00 off Post Cereal

Sign up for the Newsletter at the bottom left and it will let you print a coupon for 2.00 off.

If you couple this with the sale at Walgreens this week that will make some FREE cereal, just be sure to have other items you are purchasing because it will actually give you overage!

Free Palmers Skin Therapy

Free Palmers Skin Therapy

You just have to register and it will then send you your sample!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Whack A Mole

Ahhh 5 years ago. Seems so short........yet so long ago.

So long that if I had a uneventful night now, I think I just might go insane becauwe I wouldn't know what to do! Back then I didn't have to worry about bedtime. It was so simple, I mean all you did was put baby in her crib and there you were done. Watch tv in peace, or do whatever it is you do.

Now as one of my friends so simply put it, it is like a constant game of Whack A Mole! And I only have two! What is my life going to be like with 3 to get down. I swear I was SURE tonight they would go down with out a fight. Was I ever wrong. Little princess are just that, princesses. And they demand their royal attention!

See you hear those lovely pieces of advice from well meaning "adults"

"Let the kids play outside and they will tire out good for you."

"Kids run around with dogs and they will tucker themselves out"

"Don't give your kids sugar or they will be hyper and up all night"

And so on goes the advice. Well, lets see, my kids didn't have sugar, and they are still up. They ran with the dogs OUTSIDE for hours and they are still up.

The excuses? Well, there is "I need water" (you have a sippy cup full), "My sister is hogging my bed" (remind me why they are in the same bed in the first place?), "I fell and hit my mouth on my dolls bunk bed" (why did you fall again?), "I need to go potty" (you went right before bed), "Are you going to put me in the crib" (Well no, but since you are up asking...............'Noooooooooo thump thump thump go the little feet as fast as they can back up the stairs'), "I found this hair tie mama" (so put it on your dresser, no need to come to me dear!). And so on...........

Though now as I sit, it is quiet...finally, at least for a while, until the baby decides to wake the minute my head hits the soft squishy pillow and my body slowly relaxes and I drift to sweet dream land. Then and only then will she decided that now is the time she is hungry.

But as I type this, for that brief moment in time, all is quiet.

So I guess, that means I won the game, or at least this round....

Friday, May 14, 2010

Free Playtex

Who doesn't need these, i mean for the rest of our lives right? May as well get a few free :)

Free Gentle Glide Sample

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Free Spice Samples

Free McCormic Sample card

Looks kinda neat, comes with samples.

The McCormick Spice page appears to be having technical problems. First 6,000 over at McCormick's Facebook page get a free card when they play the sweeps "Give Your Friends Some Flavor". Go to the "Play and Win" tab to get started.
Found from Freebies 4 Moms

Free Spatula

Ok here is one for those of you who cook and write. Not only be submitted to win a grand prize...write a little cooking story and get a free spatula while supplies last. You read the official rules and it states "SPECIAL OFFER: Qualified entrants in the first (February-March) and the fourth (May-June) Promotional Drawing Periods will receive a Crisco spatula while supplies last. Limit one spatula per person or household."

So who is gonna submit?

click here to submit

HIgh Value Oscar Meyer coupon

Get a dollar off! Print fast, these go quick!

Oscar Mayer

Free Bath Pouf

Why spend a dollar when you can get it free?

Free Pouf

Dr Pepper

Thanks Jana

This is for .60 off Dr Pepper

so on double coupon day makes a FREE 2ltr or sale a cheap pack!