Monday, October 18, 2010

Glory Seasoning Base sample

Walmart sample for Glory Base Seasoning
This stuff is always great! Base is so much better than bullion cubes!

Free first aid kit

Free First Aid Kit Enter the promo code KIT
Having three little girls I always need baind aids and boo boo stuff!!

Free Wisk Sample from Target

Most of you have probably seen this, but it is a free Sample of Wisk
I love laundry samples, they are great to take with on vacation or to get a scent you may have not gotten once in a while!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


What is peaceful? Seems like a simple answer doesn't it?

I mean when you ask the ordinary woman; and by ordinary I mean someone who has not had children yet, you ask her what synonyms to peaceful shower might be, she may come up with phrases such as: quiet, relaxing, candles, luxury, invigorating, my time, and so on.

Now while those seem like such normal terms for a good hot shower, but go ask a mother of babies, especially several of them.

I have learned a new terminology for peaceful I bet you never knew existed. (or if you are such a mom as I have just described maybe it isn't so new for you!)

I was taking a shower, with three little girls all in the bathroom with me, BUT this my friends was peaceful. You wonder how that can be? Peaceful shower to a mom of babies means, there may be three kids in there with her, but she is getting her shower afterall! And an added bonus of this peaceful shower, the real icing on the cake that can make your day, is the fact that they were entertaining, to the best of their tiny abilities, the super crabby baby. Now that is what you consider peaceful!

After all you are now clean, at least for the temporary minute, and you have yourself locked in a small place in which the children don't want to follow you! Take it and RUN!

Friday, October 15, 2010

I thought I dealt with that

Well it is looking like a done deal. Not that it isn't amazing that God has once again provided the "shelter and provision" for us. He is awesome and always provides. This is no different. It confirms that this truly is hte right decision for us as a family, for now, or forever we dont know, but we do know that this is where He wants us.

So then why does it make it so diffidcult? I swore I dealt with my emotions of moving, with, well the move! I cried in the days leading up to it and cried as we left. I even cried once or twice after we arrived. Suprisingly to me though and I am sure you, if you know me, the total is only a few times, you could count on one hand the times I actually cried tears. So then why today, with the news that we accepted the offer on the house am I crying? Why am I finding motivation hard? Why do I feel such a loss and such pain? I left Green Bay, knowing I have friends back there, but will be making a new life for myself here.

As I sit here and ponder my emotions, i feel comforted by the noise that is coming from outside..two lil girls are giggling HYSTERICALLY! They are playing on their see-saw and having a grand time. It brings a spot of joy to this grieving heart that this is again the right place. They are happy, isn't that all a mother could ask and hope for?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

crest pro health, garnier dandruff

Walmart has some GREAT freebies right now...

Crest Pro Health Gum protection
You need to "take the quiz" (two questions)

Garnier Dandruff

FREE Brethe Right Advanced strip

Always use these, they are great for cold season!

Free Nasal strip


EXTRA National Dessert day. Get your FREE pack of EXTRA Desserts gum!!

What flavor did you choose?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Lets get the FREEBIES and DEALS rolling!

What better way to get started back up on letting you in on all sorts of deals and coupons and what not you can get than to encourage you to join BUZZ campaigns!

This is the most recent one I got in the mail, I'll have you know it was the FIRST piece of mail for ME at our new house! (well ok second, I got one beautiful card from a friend)

I am excited about this not only for its "freebie" status, but well, since the packers decided to pack everything wrong and all my stuff is in storage. And it looks as if it is going to stay that way for quite a while. And my poor lil KK is 7 months and doesn't have one page of a baby book done. So THIS is the perfect way for me to get started! I am going to use all the fun items, pictured here (which I got for FREE) and then review them here. Maybe I will even show you a finished page or two.

Now don't you wish you were a BUZZ agent??

If so make sure to say I recommended you! Sign up here...


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Who knew that there were more than 5 minute rush hours!?

So my first official week out here has proven a tad challenging.

My first official Monday to school didn't go exactly as I planned. It wasn't with out trying however. I knew that I needed to leave earlier for school than back home and let me tell you this is no simple thing for me. I am NOT a morning person nor will I ever be. I can't even force myself to like coffee. I have found though a good substitute, however calories come with it. So we will have to find another avenue one of these days, but it is wonderful; hot coco with "as much caffeine as a cup of coffee!" This has been my life line for mornings.

Anyhow back to the Monday morning drive. I set off in plenty of time to get to the new school. Which normally on the way back only takes me 15 minutes, mornings take about 30 minutes, this day, I got her to school 40 minutes late! Yes and I left early! The problem? The GPS! I swear that thing hates my fingers. I pressed Intermountain Christian School, however it seemed to think it was a better idea to go to Kohls. My kind of Gadget! So as I was arriving at Kohls, I realized that yes my mind was not playing tricks on me and the scenery was not correct, I actually needed to go the OTHER WAY.

Now you think this might not be any big deal, however when you are battling SEVERAL lanes of traffic that JAMS at 8 in the morning it is a big problem!

So then as my mood deepened so did the dark in the sky. In a place that seems it should not get a lot of rain, the sky opened up and decided to pour down on my already flustered and misdirected self.

So eventually we did make it to school and on the way home, yes the dark lifted, and we went about our day, ending with picking up Alia on time! I sometimes wonder if I will EVER get used to the craziness of "city life traffic"

Join Pincone Research ~ I am a member...

This is a great way to earn a few quick bucks. Yes it doesn't pay out great, but you get LOTS of surveys to answer and they pay you $3 for each one. While it isn't a ton of money it does add up and heck it is a free three bucks!

Say that I Colleen referred you.

Pinecone Research

GREAT deal on ALL YOU!!!!!

Another Purina food sample

You need to be a sams club of now, usually they will reset later for the general public, so even if you are not a member check back later!

Purina sample

FREE postcard magnets

These are really good for crafts or attaching pictures to them and then put on your fridge!

Free postcard magnets

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

FREE P&G sampler, head and shoulders new pantene

P&G sampler

GREAT site for a box of freebies. This is one to be SURE to sign up for. It is last chance call for this quarters freebies. GO NOW!

Head and shoulders

both free

good coupons for bounty and tide etc

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

$1 off Trident SINGLE packs

Buy 2 get $1 off, use on a double day and makes almost free!

Juicy Juice coupon and other Valuable ones!

Print $1 of Juicy Juice
$1.25 of Nesquick
$1 off chocolate chips

Register at Nestle

Then go here to print your coupons!

Rare Hefty Coupon!!

LIKE Hefty Trash Bags and get $1 coupon!!
You can print 2 of them

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

FREE All Bran Sample SIGN UP FOR kellogs

KPass here! You get GREAT freebies, just like a few of the other sites/things I have recomended, this one is always good and legit!

If you are already signed up you will just be routed to get the FREE stuff!

Free Pantene Sample

New Pantene, scroll to the bottom to get your sample

ALL YOU reality checkers

Another GREAT reuptable way to get freebies! It is like BZZZ you sign up, fill out surveys and they offer you free stuff! You have to hop on right away to get the free stuff, but it is full sized samples and such!

Sign up now! Here

Free Sample Purina one Dog or Cat food

Free Dog or Cat food

If you are like me with hungry pets, every cent in animal food will help!

Dove Daily Moisturizer

Free Dove Daily Moisturizer Shampoo
New link...

Again these are always great for travel!

FREE DaVinci Pasta

DaVinci Pasta

Every new fan will be rewarded with a FREE package of DaVinci Pasta and complimentary recipe cards.

”like” them on facebook then send an e-mail to with your shipping address, year of birth, and Facebook ID

2 Free samples of BBQ sauce

Bullseye BBQ sauce sample

I can't seem to find this in our area however, so I have a free coupon I need to trade out for someone!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

FREE KC Masterpiece BBq sauce

if you use this 1/1 printable at walmart you can get free BBQ sauce!!

MORE free aveno haircare

ANOTHER new sample of Aveno haircare

I LOVE this stuff, even though it is the packets, I will take every sample I can get!

1/1 skinny cow!

SKinny cow 1$/1

this could make for some cheap or free icecream!!

Rain Rain go away

Come again some other day!!

I am not sure if the worse storm is outside or here in the house.

A 3 year old + a 5 year old - sleep last night + getting up early = A LONG DAY for mommy!!

I want to do fun things with them. I told them if they take their naps good and stay in bed I will bake with them. This is something I would really like to do with them. But alas it isn't going to happen today. They got up. The reason. "I can't yawn."

Ok now that is pushing it. I have heard every medical reason, every biological reason, every toy reason, every monster reason...but I can't yawn, that is a new one!

WHAT on earth do you answer to that? Like the tired mommy I am; there was no sweet answer. There was a loud, "I'm coming up there and we are NOT baking today!"

To hear their little cries breaks my heart, into a million pieces in fact. But what am I supposed to do? If I constantly give in and let them do promised activity A. Then I will never get the result I want. Which is a respectful, sweet, well behaved child. They will always think they can get their way, and that is not the way to parent.

My would be could be nap is now a distant dream....

So alas, I guess instead of thinking of the fun we won't have today, I will think of the fun we can have tomorrow, while daddy is away. And I will focus on the real dream that the CLEAN kitchen will be staying that way for at least one day!

Free Almonds snack tin

If you like a healthy snack on the go Almonds is one...
This tin comes and it doesn't have almonds in it, but is great for on the go....

FREE organo coffee

Organo Coffee Sample

Its funny, I never used to be interested in coffee samples, now that Brandon loves coffee these sure help!

KIDS price at six Flags!

Six Flags One-Day Eveyone pays Kid's Price!
Promo Code: SFKID - Papa John's One Day EVERYONE Pays Kid Price! HURRY! This code expires 8/15/10
Go to to get in on this offer - enter the promotion code in the upper right corner of the landing page, then pick your favorite park! These are PRINT-...AND-GO tickets, no waiting at the gate to buy! Limited time offer!

FREE Ihop meal

FREE pancakes

when you sign up and like their FB page! They send you a freebie on your birthday and anniversary. I do use my REAL email for this one, they don't spam, and since it comes on your birhtday.

Plus you can sign hubby and kids up too!


Get a bounty paper towel sample

If your house is like mine, you will NEVER ever have too many papertowels!

Free Simple Green

Simple Green is offering a free bottle of simple green concentrate and a dilution bottle!!!!

To get your free kit enter your email address, they will send you a secret code immediately. Enter the code and complete the questionnaire (takes about 3 minutes).

At the end you can pick regular or lemon scent. After you fill everything out, they will send you an email with additional info request like mailing address in a few days!

Free Magazine, womans day

FREE womans day subscription!

These magazines DO come, I have gotten free subscriptions before!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

1/1 Lean cuisine

This is a HOT coupon!!! a DOLLAR off ONE meal!! Hurry this will go FAST

1/1 Lean Cusine Meal

Free glue sample

Free sample of Loctite 4204 glue

With the way things break in my house i can always use more superglue!

FREE sample purina cat or dog food

You can choose one

Cat food or dog food

this is a walmart sample so you are sure to get it!

Free Cottonell Samples

Both moist wipes and the tp.

THis is a walmart sample so you are SURE to get it!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My BEST ever Target trip

Ok it was pretty good, but what makes it best is it was FREE. (I got a gift card from the carseat check place just for having Kaelyns seat checked they gave me 10$ Gift Card)

So I bought:

4 boxes Nabisco 100 cal packs
4 Bottles Kraft BBQ sauce (3 original 1 honey)
1 Bag hersheys bliss dark chocolates
1 New Eucerine Daily Calming Cream
1 Box Gogurt

Total 9.98!!
and with the GC that makes it ALL FREE!!

However even WITH OUT the gift card that is QUITE the deal!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The grocery game

Ahhh it had turned into a good night, the excitement was building, the anticipation of what was to come was almost too much.

The anticipation of what deal I would get...if you get just the right deal it is such a rush.

The day had been long, lots of high pitched girly noises. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good. The evening wore one with even more little girly noises coming from my class I teach Wed. nights at church. The kindergarten girls. Hmm all little girls were especially loud and high pitched today...even these little girls. But the class none the less went well.

One little girl even told me my project, memorial stones, was a great project! (I had them paint stones with a cross and some glitter, so when they looked at them it was a "memorial" of what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross. We had read John 4 about how they gathered the stones and placed them as a memorial to remember how God rescued them) so this seemed fitting, easy and fun. The girls agreed.

All was right with the world.

Believe it or not I had everything prepared. Yes it was ME who had this prepared. I know shocker right?

So my little coupon box and I headed off to the grocery store with the above mentioned anticipation.

Then it struck, that blow that tells you the rest of the night, or at least the trip, just might not go your way. And it didn't. All from the start of the blueberries. None. Ok Skippy peanut butter, that stuff I swear, we go through it like water. Well ok WAY better than water, cuz come on, who really drinks all that much water? But you know what I am saying. We go through a LOT of peanut butter. Do you think they had any? Nope.

"A truck comes in tomorrow" they tell me. Yeah well that doesn't do me a whole lotta good on coupon double day today does it? Moving on, how about the Hershey's syrup? Nope.

Ok this is now getting a bit old, but I trudge on. I hunt and gather, going meticulously over my list. Time and again re-organizing my thoughts to match up the best deals, the ones that will give you the biggest rush.

So finally I stand in line, even with all the trials of the isles, I am feeling pretty good. So good in fact that I share my key card with several different people in my line, and let two others go ahead of me.

Then I hear it, this poor lady in the line next to me. The line I was contemplating going over to instead of the one I was in. The guy kept repeating himself that she couldn't do two transactions, when in fact I knew she could. Poor woman. Poor me, I had two transactions. Yes I was in a different line, but now I was getting nervous. I look at my list, I check it twice, three times actually. I felt the pressure, for that lady, for me building. I didn't want to go home with out half my order. I have never had to do that before...I so didn't need this for my night.

God bless the check out lady, she saw what I had and just said "oh I see you have two?" I said "yes is that ok?" And she, that sweet angel, said yep. So I move on, giving her all my coupons and cards and rain checks.

I head home to what I have heard has been world war III between daddy and Alia. Poor lil thing is crying her eyes out upstairs (might I add as her sister is passed out cold) because she learned that daddy does in fact have the willpower to hold out his threat. One for team daddy.....still 1001 team Alia. But daddy got one! Bout killed him too, but he did it! I am proud of him.
So while I am upstairs explaining that daddy is bigger than her and no he isn't just like her for her to boss around he is unloading the grocery's.

I ask him what he thinks I spent on all of it (including 5 12pks of soda, 2 lil bins huggies wipes, milk, strawberries, muffin mix, jello puddings, 12rolls cottonell, 3lbs hamburger, 2 boxes frosted miniwheats, Breyers ice cream, cool whip, 2 lean cuisine meals, etc etc etc). He says 78$ thinking that was a great amount to have spent. So imagine the thrill I still got when I told him my grand total was.................52$!!!

Ahh yes, all is right with the world again....and thus, I had to come tell you!