Friday, October 1, 2010

Lets get the FREEBIES and DEALS rolling!

What better way to get started back up on letting you in on all sorts of deals and coupons and what not you can get than to encourage you to join BUZZ campaigns!

This is the most recent one I got in the mail, I'll have you know it was the FIRST piece of mail for ME at our new house! (well ok second, I got one beautiful card from a friend)

I am excited about this not only for its "freebie" status, but well, since the packers decided to pack everything wrong and all my stuff is in storage. And it looks as if it is going to stay that way for quite a while. And my poor lil KK is 7 months and doesn't have one page of a baby book done. So THIS is the perfect way for me to get started! I am going to use all the fun items, pictured here (which I got for FREE) and then review them here. Maybe I will even show you a finished page or two.

Now don't you wish you were a BUZZ agent??

If so make sure to say I recommended you! Sign up here...


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If you read this at all, first I LOVE you for it! And second, can you please "follow" me? I just like to get a handle on how many are really enjoying my blog at all. When I see followers I have a small estimated idea. Second, I think comments will REALLY help me make this blog what YOU want to see! I LOVE them and will read each and every one very careful! Even if it is just to say HI I read it and I liked/disliked this post.

Thanks for helping me out and taking an interest in my tiny girl colored corner of the world!

Hope you are all good and stop by often!!